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SFS3 - Volunteers and Media People... PLEASE READ.

Posted: Sat Jul 16, 2005 5:05 am
by Generz
Hey guys.. alright.. the event is one week away. I'm sure many of you are very excited, I am as well.

Here's some nitty gritty before the event.

I need all those that are interested in volunteering to please email me so that I can put your name down on the list and make sure that you will get radios and vests. Also I can get a good headcount so that we know how many of you we will be providing lunch for.

So please email me at with 'Volunteer' in the subject and your name somewhere in the body. I will send out an email by the end of this weekend with volunteer details such as arrival times and what nots.

Also.. Media Folks.. please drop me an email at with 'Media Person' as the subject with your name and in the body, who you will be shooting for. This way I can prepare the media forms and vests.

Anyways.. looking forward to some fun and slidin' next weekend.. rain or shine...

Rain would be neat as everyone could initiate a lot earlier and save tires!
Last event.. people got so many runs that many people ended up running outta tires!